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A new, award-winning film, “Porcelain War” follows a Ukrainian Special Forces veteran and his wife’s effort to defend their culture and their country. 
Slava Leontyev, a veteran of the Ukrainian Special Forces, brings a unique perspective to the poignant documentary. With a background rooted in military service and a passion for art, Leontyev was inspired to co-direct this film after witnessing the devastating effects of Russia’s invasion on his homeland.

Welcome to Mid-Afternoon Map, our exclusive members-only newsletter that provides a cartographic perspective on current events, geopolitics, and history from the Caucasus to the Carolinas. Subscribers can look forward to interesting takes on good maps and bad maps, beautiful maps and ugly ones — and bizarre maps whenever possible.

The Navy has increased medical monitoring and added performance-enhancing drug tests during Navy SEAL training after a candidate died of pneumonia in 2022, according to an Inspector General report. However the report noted a lack of policy driving the Navy’s approach to sleep deprivation during SEAL training.
The report, released this week, reviewed the Navy’s infamously rigorous SEAL training and took a look at policies, staffing, and medical procedures which garnered attention after SEAL-candidate Kyle Mullen who died in February 2022, at the end of Hell Week – a six-day slog of 108.