Author: Michael

Battalion command is one of the most sought-after leadership positions in the U.S. Army, but senior officers today often turn down the opportunity to command and pursue less stressful and more stable staff positions. Because battalion command comes near the twenty-year mark of a career, some choose to retire rather than pursue command.
Approximately 1,000 U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonels are assessed for command competency each year and 80-85% pass. Of those selected for battalion command, typically 40% turn it down. That number increased to nearly 55% over the past four years.

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We talkin’ tactical air-to-air superiority? Fuhgeddaboudit.
The New Jersey Air National Guard recently christened one of its F-16Cs with a new, historical name: “Jersey Jerk.”
The name is not an ode to drivers on the Garden State Parkway, but rather is an homage to a state aviation legend and bonafide hero. The aircraft honors retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Donald Strait, a World War II fighter ace, Silver Star recipient, and the first New Jersey Air National Guard officer to be promoted to two-star general, according to a news release from the 177th Fighter Wing.

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The United States must honor its solemn obligation to care for its veterans despite renewed calls to curtail veterans disability benefits, a senior official at one of the largest U.S. veterans service organizations told Task & Purpose.
“If our government wants to continue to send us to war, they need to consider the cost of the long-term, back-end impacts of combat,” said Mario Marquez, the American Legion’s executive director of government affairs, in an interview during a media event in Arlington, Virginia on Friday.

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One of 2024’s standout action films was Alex Garland’s ‘Civil War.’ Although mostly a road trip-style film following journalists as they moved closer to the front lines of a second American Civil War, the depictions of combat itself were harrowing. From skirmishes in office parks to a large combined arms battle for Washington, D.C. and close-quarters fighting inside the White House, the action was brought to life by the film’s military advisor Ray Mendoza.

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