Author: Michael

Two U.S. soldiers behind the fatal attacks in New Orleans, Louisiana and Las Vegas on New Year’s Day served on the same Army base and were both sent to Afghanistan at the same time during the U.S. “surge” there. The new timelines of the two men’s service record appear to contradict a law enforcement official’s statement last week that there were no overlapping assignments in the service record of the two men.
The two men served in different units under separate commands on Fort Liberty, North Carolina — then known as Fort Bragg — for 11 months in 2012 and 2013.

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The Night of Power is revered as a sacred night in Islam. Taking place during Ramadan, it’s a time when devoted Muslims pray, study the Qur’an and ask for forgiveness from Allah. And, as with any religion, it has been weaponized by some extremists for their own agendas. My husband, an Apache pilot, had recently arrived in Afghanistan, and his unit was briefed that Islamic extremists would likely attack that night, wanting to claim an enormous reward from Allah. At sunrise, 150 insurgents dressed in stolen American uniforms surrounded two bases in Afghanistan.

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One of the milestones of Marine Corps boot camp is when recruits take a break from getting IT’d to get their official photo taken. They stand in a long line to briefly slip on a modified dress uniform coat and white hat, or “cover,” as a photographer snaps a quick picture.
These (often embarrassing) pictures are treasured by Marines’ families and prominently displayed on their mantles, even though, as Adam Driver’s boot camp photo shows, they are not glamour shots.
But for some recent Marine recruits, the uniforms in their photos were ‘photoshopped’ on.

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The first Americans to earn the Distinguished Service Cross were not combat soldiers but two women serving as nurses with the British Army before the U.S. entered World War I. 
On Aug. 17, 1917, Nurses Beatrice MacDonald and Helen McClelland of the Army Nurse Corps Reserve were assigned to a surgical team at the British Casualty Clearing Station Number 61 near Lillers, France. 
During a German night air raid, MacDonald and McClelland continued caring for their patients despite bombs raining down all around them.

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